
Discover the refrigerator, the application that makes it easy for you to manage your refrigerators with ease. Whether you are a refrigerator owner or a customer, the refrigerator provides you with an effective way to organize products and expenses. For the refrigerator owner, the customer management manager organizes products inside the refrigerator directly, with the ability to monitor expenses such as water and electricity. He can also follow monthly or weekly reports on weight and follow up on weight.

Duration of Execution : Two weeks

Project Type : warehouse

Category : business

To Be Implemented :

Seamless management of the fridge by the owner, allowing them to organize products, monitor expenses, and maintain operational efficiency. An efficient approval system where the owner logs in, and the admin reviews and either approves or rejects the owner's request. Provide detailed reports that help the owner track performance and expenses to maintain the fridge's budget.

Solutions Implemented in The Project :

Monitoring Expenses (Electricity and Water): A dedicated dashboard can be included to track the fridge's water and electricity consumption, with the possibility of linking it to a billing system for accurate expense tracking. Automatic alerts can be triggered if expenses exceed the expected threshold. Monthly/Weekly Reports: A reporting system can be developed to provide the owner with detailed performance reports (revenue/expenses) on a weekly or monthly basis. Graphs and reports can include details on sold products, active customers, and expenses.

Execution And Result :

Effective management system allowing the owner to manage the fridge easily, with the ability to monitor customers and products effortlessly. Control over expenses by accurately tracking electricity and water consumption, helping reduce unexpected bills. Provision of detailed reports supporting decision-making based on financial performance and inventory, enhancing management efficiency.